Star Wars Fanfiction Anakin Time Travel Swtor

07.22.2016 , 12:08 PM | #six


Captain Piett made his way toward Lord Therin�s quarters. Equally he did so, he thought back to everything that the dark haired Sith woman said about his commanding officer. IN the six months that they had been at that place, the same amount of time he dealt directly with Lord Therin, the homo realized he didn�t know a bloody affair near her personally. In that amount of time one would usually learn a few personal tidbits about the people you lot work under - likes and dislikes, foibles and other things. But this was the starting time existent wait into Lord Therin�s life that he had always had since she came aboard the Accuser.

He made it to the door of her quarters and went in, noting that the door merely swished open up without protest or having been locked. He was surprised that he had been able to enter so easily. Had she been and then tired the dark before that she but forgot to lock up? It was a worrying thought. �My lord?�

�Just a moment, Piett.� Nathrrya�s voice came from the fresher just earlier the door opened and she stepped out pulling on her usual night green leather jacket. The captain, for some reason, couldn�t assistance but stare even though he�d become quite used to both her and Tara�s pick of vesture way. It also could accept been the mental connotation that Lord Therin was non long finished with her morning shower. Either style, the man forced himself to expect in another direction.

She sighed. �I didn�t secure my door last night, did I?�

�No, my lord. That appears to be the case.�

�Damn the Emperor and damn his hulking metal brawl of scrap.� She looked over at her captain every bit she walked to her desk and tapped a few of the buttons on the comm. unit. �I take it we�ve arrived?�

�Indeed we have my lord.�

She nodded and turned her attention to the communicator. �General Madien, see to the transfer of Helm Antilles and Princess Organa to the Death Star. And General, if any of Tarkin�s lackeys make your life difficult direct them to me.� Nathrrya had a knack in dealing with self of import officers.

�Understood, my lord.� The general replied earlier the comm. shut off.

Nathrrya now turned dorsum to her helm �How are the Lars holding upwards?�

�Quite well considering that neither have been on a starship in many years, much less a war machine one.� Piett took his normal professional person stance and clasped his hands behind his dorsum.

�Good,� she said. �I�thou sure they�re hiding something but it tin can expect, I�ve got that delightful child Tarkin to deal with and his overgrown toy.�

Helm Piett did his best to hibernate a smiling at her scathing contempt of the man in question. Lord Therin really did enjoy insulting Yard Moff Tarkin and the Death Star in every possible style she could retrieve of and each time became more and more creative on her part.

The adult female took a moment and studied her soft spoken officer for a fourth dimension, and conspicuously information technology was beginning to make the human uncomfortable. �Tara told you, didn�t she?�

�My lord?� The pitch indicated Piett was conspicuously dislocated past her question.

�Your mental shields are impressive for a not-Forcefulness sensitive, Captain,� she said. She turned from her desk and leaned her hips against it. �Most of the time I have no thought what you�re thinking. Only at the moment you lot�re practically screaming the name �Malavai Quinn�. Therefore Tara has told you about him.�

Piett nodded. �She has, my lord, though I�one thousand uncertain if she revealed besides much.�

Nathrrya lowered her head and idea this over as she pulled her lower lip into her mouth to chew on information technology thoughtfully. �If I know Tara she�s given you a very condensed version of events which would include the fact that Quinn and I were lovers and he tried to kill me.�

The Captain swallowed. For some reason he was feeling really warm and perhaps it was but the room� or him� information technology had to exist the room. �Yes, my lord, that�south right.�

Nathrrya smirked, seeing the man sweat. �Relax, Firmus you lot look like a human being holding a live thermal detonator and don�t know what to practice with it.� She chuckled. �You may remind me of Quinn just I know that y'all�re not him.� Her eyes seemed to sparkle as she took a few steps towards the captain. �Now that I call back of it, I don�t believe I�ve ever inspected your quarters now have I Piett?� There was something playful and teasing in her words.

�My... my lord?� Piett was truly baffled.

The Sith only smiled playfully as she walked past her captain swaying her hips as she did then. All Firmus Piett could exercise was turn and openly stare wondering what had just taken place.

. . .

Eight Purple admirals and generals were seated effectually a black conference tabular array. They were busy talking amidst themselves as they waited for Grand Moff Tarkin and Lord Nathrrya Therin to arrive. Admiral Motti and General Tagge were in their own discussion.

�Until this battle station is fully operational we are vulnerable,� General Tagge argued. �The Rebel Alliance is as well well equipped. They're more dangerous than yous realize.�

Admiral Motti had his own opinions of the other man and his ain thoughts were more than towards just wanting to go the Death Star into use to show the galaxy that you don�t mess with the Empire. Ane just doesn�t. �Full general, they would exist unsafe to the Imperial Starfleet� merely non this boxing station!�

Tagge shook his head in disbelief �The Rebellion volition go on to gain support in the Purple Senate every bit long as....�

Suddenly the door to the conference room opened and all heads turned as 1000 Moff Tarkin, governor of the Imperial outland regions, entered. Following just behind was Lord Therin and going past the scowl on her face the Sith Lord was none also happy to be there. Information technology was no secret that they despised each other for their views on ruling the Empire were equally far apart equally ii people could exist and still exist on the same side.

�The Imperial Senate will no longer be of any concern to us,� Tarkin appear. �I've just received word that the Emperor has dissolved the Senate permanently. The last remnants of the Former Republic have been swept away.� Tarkin took his seat at the head of the tabular array but there was some murmuring going on from the others. Tagge was the nearly outspoken ane of the group. The news just made his task much harder and he was conspicuously appalled.

�What!? That'due south incommunicable! How will the Emperor maintain control without the bureaucracy?�

Tarkin smiled evilly and Nathrrya fabricated a mental note that the homo looked similar a shrivelled prune when he did that. �The regional governors now have direct control over their territories. Fearfulness will proceed the local systems in line - fearfulness of this boxing station.�

Nathrrya rolled her eyes and give Tarkin a look that said he was impaired to call up that fear alone would piece of work. In her feel it usually had the reverse event.

Tagge had to suppress a smile when he saw the Sith�s reaction to the Grand Moff�s statement. �And what of the Rebellion?� he asked. �If the Rebels have obtained a complete technical readout of this station, information technology is possible, withal unlikely, that they might find a weakness and exploit it.�

�The plans you refer to, Full general Tagge, volition shortly be dorsum in our hands.� Nathrrya spoke for the get-go time. The notion was reassuring to all of the men present but information technology was generally for Tarkin�s ears. For all she knew this was just a fool�southward mission and she wanted to be done with it.

�Whatever attack made by the Rebels confronting this station would be a useless gesture, no affair what technical data they've obtained!� Admiral Motti preened. �This station is now the ultimate ability in the universe. I suggest nosotros utilise it!� The man seemed to call up the Expiry Star as an infant and he the proud father of such an upstanding child.

Information technology took everything in Nathrrya�due south reserve to keep from snorting a rebuttal that would be regretted subsequently, not that she would intendance. Just the homo did rub her the wrong way.

�Don't be too proud of this... technological terror you lot've constructed, Admiral.� Nathrrya growled as she began to walk effectually the tabular array to where the pompous man was sitting. �The power to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Forcefulness.�

The circular-faced man that was Motti looked up at the woman defiantly. �Don't effort to affright us with your sorcerer'south ways, Lord Therin. Your deplorable devotion to that ancient religion has not helped you conjure upwardly the stolen data disks, or given y'all clairvoyance enough to find the Rebel's subconscious fort--�

Motti began to choke all of a sudden. He wasn�t able to accept a breath in and he clawed at his neck trying to do abroad with whatever barrier was in the style. Both Tarkin and Tagge watched in morbid fascination every bit they saw an evil smile cross Lord Therin�south lips, her eyes turning yellow and her manus raised and fabricated into a fist.

�Actually, Admiral... I find your lack of organized religion... disturbing.� Her tone was ominous.

�Enough of this!� Tarkin snapped. �Therin, release him!� I really don�t want to train upwardly another underling.

The redhead glanced at Tarkin a moment. She didn�t desire to acknowledge that she heard the human being but she did. �Every bit... you... wish.� She dropped her manus and Motti fell frontward onto the table, gasping for air. She walked back to where she had been standing, backside Tarkin and out of his view.

�This bickering is pointless,� Tarkin said. �Lord Therin will provide us with the location of the Rebel fortress by the time this station is operational. We will then beat out the Rebellion with i swift stroke.�

Tagge saw the adult female milkshake her caput in disbelief if Tarkin thought it was going to exist that easy.

. . .

�Tarkin wants me to do what?�

Nathrrya and Tara were standing in their quarters upon their Ten-87A Phantom within the Death Star docking bay. There was no way in space the two women were going to take bunks on that abomination. Nathrrya had a longer meeting with the generals and admirals earlier she was dismissed with orders that she needed to forwards to her unofficial apprentice. Nathrrya was scowling the whole fourth dimension but she needed to tell the younger adult female.

�They want you to torture the princess to get the location of where the stolen schematics are, too as the location of the Insubordinate base.� Nathrrya was chewing her lesser lip and convulsively clenching her fists, trying to proceed herself calm as she used her cousin�s breathing techniques. �Not like it�s going to work or anything.�

�Spast information technology, Nat, I haven�t done that in� a long time. I really don�t desire to either.� Tara was not thrilled with torture missions. When Overseer Tremmel sent her to question 3 captives within the prison of the Sith Academy she pretty much let them all go and killed one of them, just simply because he attacked her. Openly torturing someone did non sit well with her whatsoever more than a Kowakian Monkey-lizard did.

�And I�m non going to let you, either,� Nathrrya finally said, turning her attention to the younger woman. �I need to accept a chat with the princess, anyway. I might as well say I�chiliad going to do information technology considering you lot�re my apprentice and nobody orders you lot to practice anything without my approval� and I don�t approve. Even if the Emperor ordered you directly.�

�Yous think I would?�

�No, but I�m stating information technology for officiality.� Tara�south comm. unit started to beep at her side and she picked information technology off her utility chugalug and looked at information technology. Her face up was neutral and Nathrrya but looked at her. �You lot going to answer that?�

�It�s Sparkle Star,� Tara said. She silenced the unit and returned it to her chugalug. �While you were resting he called me and we spoke for at least 3 hours.� Tara smirked at the bemused reaction she gained from the redhead. �I know. I was rather surprised myself.�

�What did you two talk about?�

Tara shrugged. �He apologized for scrapping HK-79 and then we merely talked well-nigh virtually nothing of importance. He told me virtually his mission and why he was on Tatooine and he swore that he wasn�t stalking me, simply he besides said he�s interested in getting to know me better. I told him well-nigh Dromund Kaas and about my upbringing, but that was all.�

Nathrrya frowned. �Y'all didn�t tell him�?�

The brunette shook her head. �No, I didn�t say anything about where we came from, hell I have no thought if any of these planets exist anymore.� She paused for a moment, looking at the floor virtually Nathrrya�s feet. �Nat� I�ve meditated on this a long time, but why are nosotros both here? I mean, scientifically and logically, we should be expressionless. There was no diet source, no life support, nothing that would proceed the states live for that long in carbonite. Realistically, we should have been expressionless after five years, if that.�

The older Sith had thought nearly this herself a few times, and Tara fabricated a decent argument well-nigh their state of affairs. She idea dorsum to how they even ended upwards in carbonite to begin with and promptly shrugged it away into the recesses of her retentivity. It was a time and a scenario she was not ready to deal with or think about just notwithstanding. Tara probably thought and felt the aforementioned way but at to the lowest degree she wanted to talk almost information technology.

�I don�t know, Tara,� she finally said. �Just one thing�s for certain, when we fought Revan I know the ii of usa had a change in our views of the Forcefulness. That was the biggest betoken of brotherhood between the Empire and the Commonwealth and it was for a cause that benefited both sides, non simply one.�

�I know� the �Living Force� is what you call back kept united states alive.�

�Right. And there is apparently something information technology wants us to do, so we demand to do information technology.�

�Get rid of the imbalance?� Tara asked.

�Get rid of the imbalance.� Nathrrya nodded

. . .

The two Sith women exited their small domestic cruiser and had parted ways on the hangar deck. While Nathrrya headed towards the detention cells, she saw that Starkiller had come to the hangar to collect Tara and accept her somewhere. The older Sith could only smirk. While Tara was getting improve at suppressing her emotions and not letting them scream out through the Strength, Starkiller was still learning that pull a fast one on and his signature screamed interest in the younger woman. In her mind, Nathrrya could just wish the poor bugger luck if he was going to attempt anything with Tara. She wasn�t one to be easily tamed and she remembered that when she learned Tara had done the well-nigh-impossible in lodge to ally a Mandalorian. Tara loved him and she wasn�t going to permit anything arrive the way of that.

Until the Eternal Fleet came into the film.

Nathrrya frowned and shook the memory from her head a 2nd time as she walked along the corridor of the detention block towards the cell where the princess was being held. She cast a glance at the hovering torture droid that floated alongside her and frowned deeper. Information technology was a very crude and simplistic device, a black sphere with a multitude of protruding artillery and needles and other assortment of pain-inflicting devices. Equally already indicated, she had no intent of really using this Strength-forsaken matter on the princess. She but had no intent on following Tarkin�s orders, period. But this scenario gave her the opportunity to speak to the princess again and finish what she had started in relative privacy.

Two Stormtroopers preceded the Sith into the princess� jail cell. From where Nathrrya stood she could see the adamant defiance in the princess� eyes and she had to give the woman credit for her courage in the face of danger, simply that courage gave fashion to fright when she saw the droid hover in just before Nathrrya entered.

�Exit us!� Nathrrya ordered the ii troopers. They obeyed easily enough thanks to the Force suggestion she�d put behind her words. Then she turned to Leia. �And now, your Highness, we�re going to discuss the location of your hidden Rebel base of operations.� She gave a very unreassuring smile equally the cell door snapped shut. One time it had been closed, she waved her manus and used the Force to bolt the door. The prison cell block commander wouldn�t exist able to open it even with his override codes if he wanted to.

The hovering torture droid was giving off a steady beeping as it moved closer to the princess, brandishing a very big, nasty looking hypodermic needle. Nathrrya pointed her palm towards the menacing machine, fisted her paw and brought it down, causing the droid to lose ability and slowly hover downwards to the floor. For skillful measure out she walked upwardly to information technology and kicked the forsaken thing into the corner of the cell.

Leia looked towards it, stunned, and was convinced it wasn�t going to be moving any time soon. She turned her attention to the Sith lord, slightly fearful of what could happen now. She�d heard stories of what Vader could do when he was obviously being �nice�, then she could just imagine what Nathrrya was capable of. �W-what are you going to exercise now?�

The redhead but leaned confronting the wall and shrugged, her facial expression impassive. �Nil,� she said. �Aside from talk. We never did finish our conversation when we were aboard the Accuser. Besides, I�ll be damned if I follow any social club Tarkin gives me. If he wants something washed, he should bloody practice it himself.� Leia looked to be having problem with this concept. �Trust me, princess, I hate him and his Force forsaken hunk of junk as much as you exercise, if non slightly more. Death stations and super weapons and I don�t get along well.�

�Well� that�s unexpected.� Leia had to admit information technology, the woman before her was dissimilar, for sure. �Are you still going to affirm that I�m Force sensitive?� She was a little more snarky now that she didn�t seem to be in whatever real danger, but she was withal wary.

The Sith grinned. �Because you lot are!� she said. �I know what I sense, Princess. Haven�t yous ever felt something before information technology happened? Maybe y'all were in some sort of danger and you were able to avert information technology, or during a argue in the Senate and y'all somehow knew who was going to vote how and why?�

The immature woman nodded. �Yeah, some of the fourth dimension. I e'er attributed that to luck.�

Nathrrya shook her head. �There�s no existent thing as luck, my dear. There is the Strength, and it�southward swimming around you whether you believe me or not. It�s at that place with you, a part of you, and that leads me to wonder exactly who your biological parents are. One of them, minimally, had to be a Force user, possibly a Jedi.�

Leia furrowed her brow. �I idea the Jedi couldn�t have attachments.�

�Information technology�s e'er been a laser-brained idea,� Nathrrya said passively with a swish of her manus. �I know from feel that not all Jedi followed that rule blindly similar others.�

That caught Leia�southward attending and she looked at the Sith with surprise. �You knew a Jedi that was married?�

Nathrrya nodded. �I did. And the irony in it all is he brutal in dear with and married a Sith.� She couldn't comprise her laughter seeing the horrified expression on the other woman�s confront. �Information technology�s not that bad! When the Jedi met her, she was a Jedi padawan, merely it would exist revealed later that she was a Sith delinquent. That Jedi was a shut friend of mine, and I poked that in his face as often as I could for good measure� simply those meetings were few and far betwixt.�

Leia was desperately trying to processes the data she had just been given by the Sith adult female and, for some reason she couldn�t fathom, she knew that Lord Therin was telling the truth. The look on the older woman�s face was a mix happiness and deep sadness. Leia realised that this Sith was far more than complex than she had thought. Something was bothering the young woman, however.

�Just how old are you lot?�

Nathrrya�s mood changed. She no longer had that comfortable sense about her and the aura she gave off immediately darkened, went solid and her features went a niggling common cold. The change seemed to create a chill with how fast it had occurred. �All you need to know, Princess, is that I�thou much older than I announced. I solar day, should the Strength will information technology, you will know the truth well-nigh me. Merely until then that is my burden to bear.�

�And, what about the other woman?� the immature adult female asked.

The Sith had collected the interrogation droid and was dragging it towards the door when she stopped at looked at Leia over her shoulder. �You hateful Tara? Consider her in the aforementioned ship I am.� She then unlocked the door and exited, leaving the princess to her thoughts and opinions about what was touched on.

. . .

�Well?� Tarkin asked equally Nathrrya entered the Death Star�due south main control room.

�The princess� resistance to the mind probe is considerable. It volition be some time before I can excerpt any information from her.� The Sith lied effortlessly. She made sure to scowl at the man.

�Governor Tarkin, the final bank check-out is consummate.� An Royal Officer said interrupting whatever information technology was that Tarkin may have said. �All systems are operational. What course shall we set?�

Tarkin considered the question as he turned to Lord Therin, a bemused look on his face. The adult female couldn�t fathom why� he still looked like a prune. �Perhaps she would respond to an culling form of persuasion.�

The Sith narrowed her eyes. She had a bad feeling about this. �What do y'all mean... exactly?�

The man�south grinning sent a chill through her. �I call back it�due south time we demonstrate the total power of this station.� Tarkin looked at the officer who had interrupted. �Set up your course for Princess Leia'due south dwelling planet of Alderaan.�

The officer saluted. �With pleasure.� He said earlier going to carry out the club. The human really knew how to sour the Sith�s mood and she made sure to glare at him. If looks could impale, well Tarkin would have been dead a long time ago.

She pulled out her comm. link and activated information technology. �Yes, my lord?� Piett�s voice answered.

�Piett, I want you lot to fix course for the Alderaan system and wait at the outer edge until the Decease Star arrives.�

There was a longer silence than normal. �Understood, my lord,� came the reply.

Tarkin looked on curious as the Sith put her comm. link abroad. �Nosotros tin dock your Star Destroyer, Lord Therin.� He informed her mildly.

�I�m aware of that,� Nathrrya snapped, �Simply if you think I�chiliad leaving my ship at the tender mercies of your battle station, Governor, and then y'all�re delusionally mistaken.� The way she spat his title made it clear the woman didn�t remember he was fit to govern much of annihilation, least of all the Death Star.

. . .

Galen�southward torso went flight across the room and he landed difficult on his back. The air current was knocked out of him and the resistive preparation material of his arm was smoking from the hit Tara had given him. He staggered to his feet, coughing.

�Come up on, Sparkle Star!� Tara cried with a smile. �You�re going to let me kick the kriff outta you? I�g a girl!�

He looked towards the other adult female and coughed again, pointing his finger accusingly at her. �Spast woman! You inverse your technique!� He chosen his lightsaber back to his mitt and activated it.

Tara was putting on a show of twirling the double-bladed lightsaber she was at present using. When they had started she was dual-wielding, merely as he was, and somewhere when he was about to win their petty duel she continued the edgeless ends of her hilts together and they locked into a completely different weapon. Galen had never seen this earlier. Tara was practically dancing around the training room with her green blades. He virtually couldn�t have his eyes off her.

�It�south called improvisation, Galen,� she dedicated. �Even if we didn�t have sabers I�d notwithstanding kick your *** because I can do weaponless combat too.�

Without warning she Force-leaped over to him and he just had time to raise his weapons to block her overhead attack. The blades clashed with their electric zapping and red and light-green sparks sputtered around the two Force users.

�Who the hell are you lot?� Tara smirked at the man and pushed dorsum against him and leaped into the air flipping over and landing on her feet. Both of them were breathing securely from their duel and Tara deactivated her lightsabers. Galen did the same and the two airtight the large gap between them. The woman held out her lightsaber to Galen and he took information technology later on replacing his on his utility belt.

�My ain design,� she said. The man looked at how the ends of each hilt were deeply locked into ane another. Tara reached upward and pressed two small buttons well-nigh the ends that made them click and she twisted them apart. �If I ever needed an border I could change my fighting style, turn my sabers into a double and scare the crap out of my enemies. Information technology usually worked. Equally far equally I know, I�grand only ane of 2 Sith that had a lightsaber designed similar this.�

�Your hilts are very low-cal,� he noticed. He gave 1 dorsum to Tara and pulled one of his out. For ane affair, her hilt was much smaller and that fabricated sense - her hands were smaller than a man�s. The metallic was shiny, well taken care of and was etched in black Sith lettering that he couldn't read. Tara noticed him looking at the words.

�Prayers of fortitude and mastery of the Forcefulness,� she explained. �I had those added by a metal worker when I had them designed.� She watched Galen for a moment. �A leader of the Sith told me that the lightsaber is an extension of the Force user. And so I wanted them to be a unique as I was considered to be.�

�You certainly are unique,� the man said. He gave her the weapon back and watched as she replaced information technology on the contrary side of her utility belt. From where he was standing, the woman looked expert. He couldn�t deny that Tara actually was attractive in more ways that but ane. The way she fought was an extension of her personality - always changing, you never knew when she was going to do something dissimilar. Her selection of habiliment style, to him, indicated that she was more bold and costless spirited than others and she wasn�t agape to flaunt it.

Tara cleared her pharynx and Galen shifted his gaze to expect her in the eyes. He instantly blushed when he realized where his eyes had been when his mind began to wander. �You�re attracted to me, aren�t yous?�

He looked away, near sheepish. �It�due south obvious?�

�A petty�� Galen looked back at her and held her gaze for a moment. �Let�s go take a walk.�

Equally the duo were about to exit the training room the felt a mild shake in the metal. Looking at ane some other Galen noticed Tara had frowned. The feel was unmistakable every bit each ship, no matter how it was built, had the aforementioned shake. The Death Star had entered hyperspace.

. . .

The planet of Alderaan sat quietly among the vast sea of space as the Death Star approached the planet. Thousand Moff Tarkin stood in the command room of the massive super weapon and watched the greenish planet through the viewing screen. Behind him the door to the room swished open up and two Stormtroopers escorted a jump princess onto the bridge. Lord Therin followed backside, an obvious scowl on her face when she saw the Moff.

�Governor Tarkin, I should have known information technology was yous yanking on the leash on this whole situation. I recognized your foul stench almost immediately.�

Nathrrya had to hide a smirk. Tarkin, on the other hand, wasn�t amused. �Charming to the last,� he said, turning to face the princess. As he did Leia got a view of her homeworld on the viewing screen and a furrow crossed her brow. �Y'all don�t know how hard I found it signing the order to terminate your life!�

She scoffed. �I�m surprised yous had the courage to take the responsibility yourself!�

The Moff either didn�t hear her or he didn�t intendance about the verbal assault. Instead he only gave a wicked smile and that alone gave Nathrrya a very bad vibe. Something in the Forcefulness shuddered but she couldn�t identify what it was.

�Princess Leia,� he crooned. �Earlier your execution I would like you to exist my guest at a ceremony that will make this battle station operational. No star system volition dare oppose the Emperor now.�

What the hell�? Nathrrya stood more at attention. What was that spast doing?

�The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will sideslip through your fingers.�

�You say that at present, Princess, merely I believe that once nosotros demonstrate the power of this station, allow�south say� on your homeworld of Alderaan, the galaxy would think differently.�

The wait on Leia�south face was backed up by the Sith adult female. �What the hell are y'all talking nigh Tarkin! Y'all�re non going to utilise this matter on that planet!�

�Alderann is peaceful!� Leia argued. �We don�t have whatever weapons!�

�Would you lot adopt another target so, your highness?� Tarkin asked Leia, ignoring Nathrrya�s outburst. �Perhaps a war machine target? I grow weary of asking this, and so I volition do so one concluding time. Where is the location of your Rebel base?�

Over the intercom Leia and Nathrrya heard a officeholder�s phonation indicating the approach to the planet. They were inside range now for that assault. Leia looked at the screen of her home and dropped her head. �Dantooine,� she said softly. �Information technology�s on Dantooine.�

Tarkin grinned. �See, Lord Therin? She tin be reasonable� though it would accept been easier had y'all actually washed what I had ordered yous to do.�

�I don�t take orders from you, Tarkin,� Nathrrya ground out, her hands fisting. She was set to strike the man downwardly correct then only held back. Tara had some truth in stating that the two of them couldn�t take on the whole Death Star on their ain.

The former prune looked back at the princess. �You�re much too trusting, though, your Highness. Dantooine is also remote for an accurate demonstration.� He turned to Motti then. �Go along with the operation. Fire when gear up.�

�No!� Nathrrya stepped frontward and several posted troopers held their rifles up at her. �Yous son of a nerfwench! Do yous accept any thought what that�due south going to--!�

Motti had already initiated the sequence. The lasers began to accuse and the outer cone lit up along the edges as the Death Star came to life. The lights got brighter and became more than powerful and the lasers came together at the center of the cone and formed one large mass of energy which shot away from the super weapon and raced towards the unsuspecting planet.

In that location was an enormous flash of light and so nil. In most no time at all the planet was gone, reduced to infinite grit. There was a suddenness well-nigh it� seeing the planet at that place and then not there the side by side moment. There was silence and and then came the stupor wave.

Nathrrya felt it well-nigh immediately. The Living Strength churned violently around her and in the viewing screen she could nigh run across the waves as they clashed into one some other as the rest of life and expiry was pushed so severely out of whack. Her head started to pound and she felt light-headed, causing herself to have to lean against the nearest wall.

�Lord Therin, are yous alright?� Nathrrya grit her teeth hearing the words come from Tarkin, even though he had no feeling behind them. He didn�t care if she was or wasn�t. She stood upwardly and looked towards the human, her eyes so yellow they were unnatural and sent waves of fear into the room.

�How dare yous!� The Sith looked up, her optics turned xanthous and were already being tinted orange. �No, I�thousand not encarmine alright, you force blind imbecile! Do you lot have any idea of what you�ve just done!?� Nathrrya tried to stop the incessant ringing in her head. �If my mental shields weren�t as strong every bit they are I�d be in far greater pain than I am. I thought seeing a world become a lifeless ball of rock was bad, but what you�ve just accomplished makes what happened to Ziost wait pleasant in comparison.�

�And hopefully it will send a bulletin to anyone who opposes us. I have, after all, demonstrated the ability of this station and secured respect for the Empire.�

�You lot�re stating the kriffing obvious!� Nathrrya had taken to massaging her temples to alleviate the headache that was at present building behind her forehead. She felt sick to her tummy. �I�m talking well-nigh what yous�ve done to the Force, you idiot! The destruction of that planet left a wound that probably won�t heal, and I doubt that it would. Information technology�south nigh impossible to explain the magnitude of what just happened to a non-Forcefulness user.�

Nathrrya was abreast herself. She took a few steps towards the Grand Moff and raised her hand towards him, but just pointed a finger. �I�m going to take great pleasure in killing yous, Tarkin� and part of me wants to on matter of principle. Just if and when I get the hazard, I volition take it and you won�t see me coming. Marker my words, you piece of bantha scum...� -her eyes flashed blood-red, taking her into the deepest recesses of the Dark Side- � volition not live much longer.�

Tarkin held his head high and looked at the woman from the acme of his nose. �Lord Therin, need I remind you lot that I am your superior officeholder. The Emperor has put you nether my command. I practice not take lightly to such threats.� He turned his caput and addressed the Stormtroopers. �Take the princess back to her jail cell to await her execution.�

Every bit the Troopers took the princess abroad, Nathrrya�s comm. link beeped.

�Lord Therin! You lot�re needed in medbay iii-oh-four. Your apprentice has complanate.�

�Spast!� The redhead turned to exit but Tarkin called out to cease her. The woman didn�t listen.

. . .

--Twenty Standard Minutes Earlier--

The two young Strength users were in some hallway by where they had been sparring. The two were continuing close to one some other every bit they walked and not and again Galen or Tara would whisper something to the other and smiles would grace their faces.

�So, this �Living Forcefulness�,� Galen said. �Information technology�s something that lives in all of us?�

�Yes. Information technology�southward equally a part of us as nosotros are of information technology. The Strength is not merely whatsoever kind of free energy that manifests in Jedi or Sith. It�s in every human, every humanoid, to some caste or another. The ones who are nigh sensitive in it can use information technology for good or ill, hence you have the Jedi and the Sith.�

Galen listened to the adult female and had a completely different opinion of her. Since he�d spoken to her on the holocommunicator and apologized for destroying her droid, she had been a very unlike woman. Truthfully, her views were questionable - they weren�t the views of a Sith Lord, non any Sith Lord he had studied about or experienced, since Lord Vader was really the only person he was in contact with. There was too General Kota and the Emperor, but Tara didn�t fit either category.

�And then, if you�re non Sith, what are you lot?�

Tara stopped walking and looked at him. He noticed she stopped and turned to face her, his eyes looking downwardly on the petite woman and waited for her response. Tara wasn�t sure how she wanted to answer that. She wondered if she even should. She took a breath. �I didn�t say I wasn�t Sith,� she started, �and I�m not proverb I�m a Jedi. I�yard just� a Force user who wound up on one side of a credit flake when really there�s a Low-cal Side, a Dark Side and everything in between.�

The man watched her as she looked away and clicked her teeth together. When she turned her head back her eyes caught his and they could simply look at ane another for a long moment. Down the hall in that location were the sound of marching footsteps and several Stormtroopers on their rounds came by. The two started walking once again, smirks on their faces.

�So� am I right in thinking that you have an involvement in me?� She made a side glance at Galen and raised an eyebrow.

�Maybe,� he said. �We�ve been consistently running into one some other during our missions for the last six months, y'all trounce me down every time we meet up, yous wear very questionable clothing which I personally wouldn�t consider clothing at all and I tin can�t seem to stop thinking well-nigh you.�

At least he was true. Tara didn�t sense whatever deception in his words and his signature was relatively calm about it. From the way he was looking at her and the mode she felt then comfortable virtually him, she didn�t know how to react. Ane thing for certain, she did feel uncomfortable about the mode this was going. It was likewise similar�

�Am I to believe that you�re flirting with me, Galen Marek?� What the hell was she doing�?

The man stopped and grabbed her wrist, making her stop and plough towards him. Something in his eyes spoke out to her when she locked their gazes. His were a rich brown, dark and soothing to wait at. In her mind she couldn�t see Galen beingness a true Sith, not with optics like that. He had a temper, surely, merely something about the calm side of Galen wrapped around her and gave her the same sense of calm. It was a very different feeling from earlier.

�Tara� I�m non interested in fighting you. Honestly, I�m by the point of flirting. I retrieve we�ve beaten effectually the bush long enough considering I know I have feelings for you lot. I only don�t really know what they are nevertheless, or fifty-fifty if you lot have anything similar. I won�t assume you practise.�

She pulled her bottom lip into her oral fissure and nibbled on it. Galen sucked in a quiet breath when he saw it. Part of his listen told him to seize with teeth that lip for her, just he resisted. He took another step and brought them closer together. Inches separated them and he could experience the power of the Force around the woman. Information technology was an older power, definitely stronger than his own or even that of his master. It baffled him but he didn�t want to think most ability or force or annihilation with the Force. He merely wanted his attention to be on the woman earlier him. Just the woman.

She tilted her head upwards slightly and Galen�due south instinct brough his head downwards to her. He could practically experience the warmth from her just before their lips met, merely something happened and the ii of them came apart from one another. Without warning something in the Force clashed violently around them and wracked his heed with the worst kind of pain imaginable. He cried out and wrapped his hands around his caput and leaned dorsum against the wall, feeling dizzy. His vision blurred and he shook his caput, trying to regain his senses.

What the kriff was that? He looked around, befuddled. As fast equally it came it was gone and he felt this sudden sense of nothingness seep into him, like he�d lost a office of himself - it but wasn�t there anymore. He looked around, trying to figure where it had come from but his eyes just vicious on Tara.

�Oh� Spast!� He dropped down to his knees where Tara lay on the basis, her body spread similar she had been hit with something large. Her breast was barely moving and blood pooled around her head - her nose and ears were bleeding. �Tara! Someone - Help!�

He pulled the woman into his arms and picked her up, holding her close to his trunk. At his weep the same set up of Stormtroopers rounded back towards him that had passed a lilliputian while earlier. He looked towards them. �Warning the medbay and become word to Lord Therin that her apprentice has collapsed!�

�Right away sir!�

Galen followed ii of the troopers downward the hall as quickly as they could to the nearest medbay. In one case there he placed her limp trunk downwardly on the bed and stepped dorsum as the medical technicians scrambled effectually her and worked to find out what happened. Galen could only recant small pieces of what occurred to the woman - he�d been too disoriented to really know. He didn�t even know if she screamed, but evidently she had since the troopers indicated as such. The human stepped back against the wall and leaned back, running his hand downwardly the front of his face and holding it over his mouth for a moment. He sighed.

Please, he thought. Let her exist okay.

Twenty minutes afterward the med staff had Tara hooked to a kolto baste and had cleaned her face of the blood. There was a hovering med droid nearby with some other hyperdermic needle in Tara�southward arm replacing the blood she had lost. The monitors showed a much slower heart charge per unit and her breathing was shallow. The woman was pale to begin with only now she was ghost white. If she hadn�t been on the monitors, Galen would swear she was dead. When he heard the door swish open up he turned his head and saw that Lord Therin had come in. She was at Tara�south side in an instant.

�What happened?� Galan asked her. Nathrrya didn�t seem to hear him right away - she was too decorated looking over Tara with her own optics to assure herself that her friend was okay. Even Nathrrya idea Tara looked horrible. She cursed under her breath and finally turned to Galen. Her eyes were yellowish just they returned to normal soon plenty as she looked at the man.

�What y'all felt, what she suffered from, was the destruction of a planet in less than five seconds. In that location was a hole blasted into the Living Strength.�

Galen�s optics went wide and he had trouble conceiving that. The rumble he felt just before he felt dizzy, information technology meant that�

�The Death Star was activated.�

Nathrrya said nada and only dragged a chair up to Tara�south bedside. She sat downward and prepared to wait for her friend to wake up. She was not going to move for anyone or annihilation. Galen watched the adult female for a moment and then glanced at the one in the bed. Without really because it, he grabbed his ain chair and did the exact same thing, settling himself next to Nathrrya, and prepared himself to await. Nathrrya only glanced at him and he caught her eyes. Silently they had made their own accord.

Anyone become the feeling that Nat really doesn't similar Tarkin?

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